one team
Over ons

We are
Scope Cycling

We are a Dutch team of engineers and designers, but above all passionate cyclists who develop and sell high performance hand-built carbon wheels.

It has become our obsession to continuously improve our products based on the user benefits. We believe in strong partnerships to challenge the status quo. We puzzle, we try, we fail, and do it all over again until we succeed to improve our products.

We are reliable, clear, honest, and dedicated. We do what we promise.

We are unlike any other wheel company in the market. We are Scope Cycling!

No Excuse.


Our Mission


  • We improve your riding experience.



  • We innovate to improve user benefits.
  • We believe in strong partnerships to achieve the best possible performance.
  • We are always looking for efficiency to create value.
  • We build Scope with passion and dedication and want to be proud of all aspects related to our brand.
  • We are reliable, clear, and honest. We do what we promise, no excuse!



  • We are a Dutch team of engineers and designers, but above all passionate cyclists who develop and sell high performance hand-build carbon wheels.

No Excuse.

When speaking about Scope, we speak about quality, innovation, and passion. With support from various knowledge institutes, we have access to an immense amount of scientific knowledge. However, the main advantage in technology is curiosity, and that’s what’s in our DNA.

Winners have a plan, losers an excuse.

Scope Cycling, no excuse.